Autism Publications:
- Let’s Eat
- ASD in Early Childhood Settings
- Autism in the classroom
- Living with Autism
- Enhancing communication in people
- Everyone dies one day
- Good nights
- It is Autism?
- Making sense of the senses
- Beyond behaviour management
- Help me do everything
- let’s play
- Mealtime management
- Supporting successful transitions
- Building communication skills
- The Australian Autism Handbook
- A beginner`s guide to Autism spectrum disorder: Essential information for parents and professionals
- The complete guide to Asperger`s syndrome – by Tony Attwood
- A book about what Autism can be like – by Sue Adams
- Since we are friends: An Autism picture book – by Celeste Shally
- Inside Asperger`s looking out – by Kathy Hoopmann
- The incredible 5-point scale – by Kari Dunn Buron
- The social skills picture book: Teaching play, emotions, and communication to children with Autism – by Jed Baker
- Toilet training for individuals with Autism or other developmental issues: A comprehensive guide for parents and teachers (2nd edition) – by Maria Wheeler
- The out of syn child – by Carol Stock Kranowitz
- The Rosie project – by Graeme Simsion
- The Curious incident of the dog in the night time – by Mark Haddon
- Mary and Max
- Temple Grandin
Personal Experiences:
- Carly`s voice: Breaking through Autism – by Arthur Fleischmann
- Look me in the eye: My life with Asperger`s – by John Elder Robison
- What I wish I`d known about raising a child with Autism: A mom and a psychologist offer heartfelt guidance for the first five years – by Bobbie Sheahan
- The reasons I jump – by Naoki Higashida
Free Workshops:
www.earlydays.com.au – Does your child have Autism
Helpful Websites:
- Amaze (Autism Victoria) – www.amaze.org.au
- Therapy Connect – www.therapyconnect.amaze.org.au
- Autism Association of WA – www.autismaspergeract.com.au
- National Autistic Society (UK) – www.nas.org.uk
- Autism Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) – www.autismcrc.com.au
- NDIS– www.ndis.gov.au
- Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) – www.education.vic.gov.au/autism
- Raising Children Network– www.raisingchildren.net.au/autism
- Better Health Channel– www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au
- Loga Tennison Autism Research Centre (OTARC) – www.latrobe.edu.au/otarc/your-questionsanswered/ask-a-researcher
- ACT NOW (Monash) – www.med.monash.edu.au/spppm/research/devpsych/actnow/project.html
- Autism Help– www.autismhelp.info
- PlayConnect Playgroups– www.playconnect.com.au
- Early Days Workshops– www.amaze.org.au/earlydays
- My Time Support Groups– www.mytime.net.au
- Positive Partnerships– www.autismtraining.com.au
- Asperger`s Victoria (previously Asperger Syndrome Support Network – ASSN) – www.aspergersvic.org.au
- Parents Support Groups in Victoria– www.amaze.org.au/support
- DiVine– www.disability.vic.gov.au
- Carers Victoria– www.carersvictoria.org.au
- Association for Children with a Disability– www.acd.org.au