• (08) 6153 4535
  • Suite 1, Level 1, Medical Centre, SJOG Hospital


Myths: Speech Delay

Here are a few misconceptions about speech delay in children Boys talk later than girlsSpeech delay is a norm in bilingual familyIt is okay if a child is not talking but is able to understand others A child does not talk because others do the talking for her or himIt is fine if a child is not talking at daycare […]

Perth CDC during the COVID 19 Pandemic

Dear Parents and Carers,We are committed to provide high quality service for betterment of your child’s well-being. As you are aware, the recent unprecedented situation due to COVID 19 pandemic has led government to take drastic measures to prevent spread of infection in the community. The measures include closing our international, interstate and regional borders, closing schools, prohibiting large gatherings, […]

All bookings in April will be kept as per usual

At this stage, all bookings in April will be kept as per usual, however Dr Karande will prefer to consult via Telehealth whenever possible. We would use platforms like Zoom for the same or others for the same. If you are attending Telehealth consultation, we would encourage you to download Zoom application on your laptop or phone beforehand and add […]

Attending face to face consultation at our clinic

If you are attending face to face consultation at our clinic, please note the following:• Please notify us prior to your appointment if you or your child have been unwell with fever, cough, cold, breathlessness, headache, fatigue etc. We may have to postpone the appointment or explore alternative arrangements in these situations.• Please use supplied hand sanitiser available on the […]

Perth CDC

Our office phones will not be answered during April, and all concerns or queries will need to be communicated through our email address – perthcdc@outlook.com.